Collezione Fantasy by Semi Strani by Carlo Martini
I have collected in this Collection the 12 tastiest and weird types of Chili Peppers. You will receive 10 Seeds per type for a total of 120 Seeds divided into comfortable tear-off plastic bags with labels in accordance with the law.
None of these Seeds are GMOs.
They are Seeds that I personally produced with my small individual company "Semi Strani di Carlo Martini" which produces Seeds with "Tuscany Regional Authorization 6170 / RUOP IT-09-06170", therefore the Seeds are subjected to genetic checks to ensure the purity of what you buy, without therefore risking no rip-off on the quality of the seeds and on the plants that these seeds will really give you. The seeds were produced during the last summer in Pistoia, Toscana, Italy, therefore they are very fresh and totally made in Italy, you can sow them within 2 years from the moment you receive them.
If it is the first time that you put a Seed on the ground, do not worry, following the Guide to the Cultivation of the Hottest Chili Peppers in the World, you will certainly succeed, also for any assistance to Cultivation, join our mythical super group of Facebook Semi Strani and you will have no problems.
Now let's move on to the description of the Seeds that this Fantasy Collection includes:
- 10 Seeds of 7 Pod Primo Red (Capsicum Chinense): an extremely spicy red chili pepper with the typical tail, very similar to the Carolina Reaper Red but usually a little smaller in shape and a little less spicy, in fact the alcoholic strength on the Scoville scale it is around 1,800,000 Shu. If you can distinguish the flavor this Super Hot goes well with Spicy Sauces and Powders, Spicy Olive Oil, Pasta and Pizza.
- 10 Seeds of Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Green (Capsicum Chinense): it is a splendid and extremely spicy green variant of the classic Moruga Red. This rare Moruga Green has a less fruity fragrance and gives a copious harvest with very large fruits, similar to the famous Pepper Try it in a pasta with tomato sauce or on a pizza with friends, it certainly won't disappoint you. Once it reaches maturity, Moruga Green does not remain totally green but turns to a color similar to beige or faded chocolate. Here is the descriptive video of the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion GREEN Chili Pepper Plant by SemiStrani.it
- 10 Seeds of Jay Peach Ghost Scorpion (Capsicum Chinense): is a splendid, extremely spicy and relatively rare peach-colored chili pepper. A cross between a Bhut Jolokia and a Scorpion, extremely tasty, with a wrinkled and elongated shape, very productive as you can see from the photos. The degree of spiciness is high and is around 1,800,000 Shu.
- 10 Seeds of Orange Tiger (Capsicum Chinense): it is the rare orange variant of the famous Pink Tiger. It is a cross between Bhut Jolokia and Pimenta da Neyde, the plant is lush and purple. The fruits are long and tapered, purple in colour, so they are practically identical to the Pink Tiger but differ in that when ripe they become totally orange in colour, after the Pink this Orange Tiger is certainly the most beautiful, obviously the different color also involves a different flavour. The spiciness is notable and is around 300,000 Shu.
- 10 Seeds of Habanero White Giant (Capsicum Chinense): it is an interesting and rare Habanero with a large shape and a White / Ivory colour, very tasty and with a truly particular flavour, I would define it as sweet. Like all white chillies, it is suitable for fish, salads and vegetarian dishes.
- 10 Seeds of Chupetinho Yellow (Capsicum Chinense): also called Biquinho Amarelo, it is a particular chilli pepper, very beautiful and tasty, it is a Capsicum Chinense originating from Brazil. It produces many fruits that vaguely resemble a nipple, with a medium-low spiciness of around 50,000 Shu. This is the yellow/orange variant that is particularly beautiful on an ornamental level. Watch my video of the Chupetinho Chili Pepper Plant - Biquinho Yellow, the fruits, the flowers, the story of Semi Strani by Carlo Martini
- 10 Seeds of Acrata el Viagra Natural (Capsicum Annuum): also called Goat's Weed Chili Pepper or Black Cobra, it is an exquisite chili pepper with a discreet spiciness of around 50,000 Shu, with a truly tasty taste. It is the most aphrodisiac chili pepper in the world, it is originally from Venezuela and its name means "free, anarchic", the fruits grow facing upwards and go from dark green, almost black, to fiery red when ripe; the plant has a rare sort of fuzz, grows tall and brings a notable harvest. In my humble opinion one of the best chillies in the world, therefore a must for all those who love spiciness. You can see the Video here: Chili Pepper Acratà el Viagra Natural, also called Goat's Weed Chili Pepper, the Plant, the Flower, the Fruits and the History by SemiStrani.it Another video from 2023: Acrata Chili Pepper plant in pot
- 10 Seeds of Psychedelic Black Pearl (Capsicum Annuum): beautiful Variegated Chili Pepper exclusive to Semi Strani, it is in fact the variegated variant of the well-known Black Pearl, through a survey on our Semi Strani Facebook Group the name Psychedelic Black Pearl was chosen because , as you can see from the many photos, the colors are very bright and go from bright purple, to fuchsia, to purple, to purple, to orange and finally to red maturation, obviously the name refers to the bright colors and certainly not to a possible effect, in fact it is a classic chilli pepper Capsicum Annuum. It is a variegated chilli, meaning it has green, cream and purple colored leaves, it is something unique and spectacular, certainly the most spectacular among the many chillies that I have been lucky enough to grow. It produces beautiful tall plants and many ball- or pearl-shaped fruits. Watch my following videos to understand what I'm talking about: Video of the Psychedelic Black Pearl Variegated Chili pepper with very bright colors from Semi Strani by Carlo Martini - Second Video of the Psychedelic Black Pearl Variegato Beautiful chilli pepper
- 10 Seeds of Brazilian Starfish (Capsicum Baccatum): it is an exquisite Capsicum Baccatum whose fruits have a curious star shape, it is a chili pepper with a large robust structure, a very tall plant up to 2 meters, with fiery red fruits and moderate spiciness around 50,000 Shu.
- 10 Seeds of Purple Ufo (Capsicum Annuum): nice chili pepper with a rare shape that resembles a flying saucer, hence the name. The plant is dark green / purple and produces many purple fruits which then turn to a color between pink, orange and red as they ripen, very beautiful. The spiciness being a Capsicum Annuum is relatively low at 20,000 - 30,000 Shu. Watch the video of this fantastic chili pepper plant: Purple Ufo Hot Pepper plant by SemiStrani.it
- 10 Seeds of Elephant Trunk (Capsicum Annuum): Very interesting pepper, not so much for the taste or spiciness, but for the shape of the fruit which resembles an elephant trunk. Robust plant, with many Peppers, red in colour, little spiciness, approximately 10,000 Shu.
- 10 Seeds of Erotico Pepper (Capsicum Baccatum): splendid chilli pepper created by Maestro Massimo Biagi, the peculiarity of this pepper is the phallic shape and the color which is halfway between turmeric yellow and orange. It has a citrus flavor with hints of cedar and tamarind, it goes well with fish dishes, steamed vegetables, meat carpaccio and fried artichokes, the more daring can also try it with a strawberry dessert, it is also excellent for making spicy powders . The spiciness is low and tolerable by everyone, the plant grows one meter in height and is beautifully large like all Baccatums, the harvest is truly copious. Watch the Video of the Plant and Pods of the Erotico Hot Pepper by SemiStrani.it
To realize the power of these Chillies, consider that the Scoville scale (abbreviated as SHU) gives the value of the spiciness of each individual plant ... to make a comparison, consider that, the classic Cayenne Red Chilli that you can find everywhere, arrives at most 30,000 SHU.
01) 7 POT PRIMO RED: 1.800.000 SHU
04) ORANGE TIGER: 300.000 SHU
07) ACRATA: 50.000 SHU
10) PURPLE UFO: 30.000 SHU
12) EROTICO: 5.000 SHU
Having said this, it goes without saying that it is a very precious collection of chilli seeds obtained with years of passion and which will be highly appreciated by anyone who loves spiciness and chillies with extravagant shapes and colours, but also by those who love gardening, given that they are of beautiful and easy-to-manage plants even on a small terrace.
You can find this Fantasy Collection of Strange Seeds by Carlo Martini in the various marketplaces around the web but only on my site will you find it at a discounted price!
Collection of 120 Chilli Seeds, Fantasy Collection made up of: Capsicum Chinense, Capsicum Baccatum and Capsicum Annuum.