Capsicum Baccatum

Capsicum Baccatum

The Capsicum Baccatum is one of the 5 main Species of the Capsicum Genus, which includes Peppers and Chillies. Create large plants with high yields, very resistant to diseases and tolerating cold better than many others. It probably evolved in Bolivia or Peru and was domesticated around 9500 BC. Already the Pre-Inca populations developed many varieties, increasing the size of the fruits and making them non-deciduous. Capsicum Baccatum is an upright shrub, similar to a small tree, up to 2 meters high in the conditions of the country of origin, lanceolate and green leaves. The flowers have a white corolla with yellow, green or brown spots. Most of the varieties known as Ají in South America belong to Capsicum Baccatum.


Among the tastiest are the Aji Lemon, one of my absolute favorites, and the Aji Amarillo, a Peruvian pepper used in Ceviche, the National Dish and the Erotic Hot Pepper, slightly spicy, tasty and with a curious phallic shape.


Here is the list of Chili Peppers Capsicum Baccatum Seeds:

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