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Celery is a biennial umbrella plant, a vegetable, but also an aromatic herb that gives an excellent aroma to many dishes and goes well with a thousand recipes. Often underestimated, it boasts excellent health qualities, especially for the benefit of the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.


Celery is one of the most popular foods in diets for its lightness, for its ability to counteract fats, especially the bad ones, and fight retention. The fibers of which celery is rich, help to reduce triglycerides and cholesterol; sedanine, a stimulating aromatic substance and other molecules (phenol, mannite, inositol) enhance its digestive and gas absorption capacities in the digestive system. While particular phytonutrients allow to control the hormones that regulate blood pressure and make it suitable in the treatment of many cases of hypertension. Consumed raw, fresh or in juice, even in the form of centrifuged, this vegetable counteracts water retention thanks to its high diuretic power. This detoxifying ability, combined with the rich amount of vitamin A make it a precious ally even against inflammation. First of all acne, urinary heartburn or eye infections.


Celery is sown in the autumn in seedbeds and transplanted the following spring into the garden, or it is sown in late spring in fertile and well-drained soil; during cultivation it is advisable to carry out weeding to keep the soil free from weeds, it flowers in the months of June and July, producing white and green umbrella-shaped inflorescences and fruits with seeds inside. About twenty days before harvesting the head, "bleaching" can be done to make the coasts softer and tastier; the operation consists in collecting the earth around the lower part of the tufts after having tied them, placing them in a dark place so that they become white. For daily use, the outermost leaves can be collected as they are needed; after harvesting the entire head, however, it is stored in the refrigerator for about a month, inside perforated polyethylene bags, so as to circulate the air. Two bitter enemies of Celery are the larvae of the celery fly and the carrot fly, which can attack its roots and leaves, drying them out. The sprouts and leaves of celery can also be greedy for slugs and mole crickets, whose infestation should be prevented.


As we said, celery is an essential ingredient for many recipes, above all to give flavor to broths, sautéed vegetables, but also to cheeses; of celery the fruits are also used a lot: in the kitchen to prepare aromatic mixtures, and in herbal medicine for their healing properties. Celery is rich in vitamins A, B and C, and mineral salts; three small glasses of fresh juice, three times a day, are useful in the treatment of rheumatism; moreover, chewing celery sticks makes your teeth beautiful.


To benefit from such a precious cocktail of completely natural therapeutic powers, all that remains is to put it on the table. To keep the flavor characteristics and vitamin properties unaltered, it is always preferable to steam or stew celery. But, by virtue of its known digestive properties, it would be advisable to eat raw celery before meals or to add it in abundance to salads and dips, if eaten fresh, or to be used as an ingredient to prepare soups and savory dishes. It is ideal to consume it within 4-5 days, a period in which it keeps all the nutritional properties intact.


A sachet contains +200 Seeds which will be more than enough to obtain numerous planters full of this delicious Aromatic Herb.


Celery - Apium Graveolens

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