The Romanesco Courgette Zucchini is a tasty classic Italian Zucchini, with typical cylindrical fruits, ribbed with large and persistent flower and white streaks. The fruit should be picked when it is 16 - 18 cm long, if you let it go it will still grow a lot but will lose flavor. It adapts to both the pot and the open field. Easy to grow bio organically, thanks to the natural resistance to multiple viruses. If you have space you can put one plant per square meter, but in the absence of space you can put up to 4 plants per square meter.
It is sown indoors in April - May and then placed in the field or in 20 liter pots when they are at least 10 cm large. It is sown directly in the vegetable garden / field with a crescent moon by putting 2-3 seeds per hole, after 20-30 days the plants will thin out by placing them in a row, one seedling, every 50 cm. Germination rate of 75% so 3 out of 4 seeds should germinate.
One sachet of this delicacy contains 20 seeds that will guarantee you a great harvest.
Courgette Zucchini Romanesco - Cucurbita Pepo