The Paprika Pepper is a real delicacy, it is a non-spicy Hungarian Pepper with a large and conical shape, it is usually dried and powdered to create the famous Paprika Spice, to which, depending on the many variations and recipes, the Cayenne Pepper and Thyme, but there are endless sweet, salty and spicy recipes, the Pepper we are dealing with here is the best known. It is used to accompany the dishes of Eggs, Potatoes, Chicken, Soups, etc., often also used for the color it gives to the dishes.
This plant seems to have arrived in Hungary starting first from Mexico and then arriving in Turkey and then becoming common in Hungary towards the end of the 18th century.
For any Recipe, even not spicy, take a look at the Spicy Recipes page !
A sachet of this simple delight contains 10 Seeds which will guarantee you an excellent harvest.
Paprika Pepper - Capsicum Annuum