Lavender is a beautiful plant with very fragrant and relaxing lilac flowers. Do you think that according to a study by a Japanese university, smelling Lavender would bring good humor. In Aromatherapy Lavender is used as an antidepressant, tranquilizer, balancing of the nervous system, as a decongestant for colds, to reduce blood pressure problems, digestive problems, back pain and ear ache, in short, a Pharmacy in a single plant.
Lavender flowers retain their aroma for a long time even from buckets, it is in fact customary to use them to perfume linen, to make soap, to make sachets with which to perfume the machine and the wardrobe. Finally it seems that it was used for the preparation of talismans and lucky charms related to magical practices.
The sachet contains 50 Seeds with which you can get numerous pots of this magnificent plant for the balcony or garden.
Lavender - Lavandula Officinalis